
R: 60’ D: [dice]*10 minutes

Summon 30’ cube of the poisonous atmosphere of hell. The miasma follows the wind, but otherwise seeks to descend back to its place of origin. Roll 1D6 [dice] times to determine the effect randomly:

  1. Save or die if breathed.
  2. [dice] acid damage per round to vulnerable objects and creatures.
  3. Save or suffer burning blindness until treated.
  4. Uncontrollable retching which imposes disadvantage and prevents complex actions such as spell casting.
  5. [dice] cold damage per round and any killed in the miasma rise as uncontrollable ice zombies.
  6. The stench of chaos requires all within to save or go berserk, attacking randomly any within reach.

Rolling the same thing twice imposes disadvantage on the save or increases the damage by [dice].

Hell + Fumes
From Wonder & Wickedness
Written on November 12, 2020